Sunday, April 7, 2013

Doing Business on the Golf Course

There are many reasons to bring your business partners and potential clients on a golf outing. 

1. Golf is a slow sport and gives you time to talk shop with potential clients and business partners. It also allows for time to get to know them on a more personal level.

2. Playing golf can really test a person’s character. There are many opportunities in golf for individuals to “lie” or misconstrue their own golf game. Watching potential clients or business partners play will allow you to observe their character and see how honest they are.

3. Golf is a leisurely sport and people of all ages can enjoy it. You won’t have to worry about anyone getting out of breath or not being able to play because of their health. 

4. Many golf courses also have clubhouses that will allow for after game drinks or appetizers. This allows for further discussion, and it makes the golfing trip more worthwhile. 

Overall, a trip to the course for business can be a relaxing way to get to know potential clients/ business partners and a less stressful way to do business.

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